It's either this or that way, it's one way or the other, it should be one direction, it could be on reflection, the turn I have just taken, the turn that I was making, I might be just beginning, I might be near the end. -Enya
little man inside the big man! he ate him up! it's the sytem, i tells u.. down wid THA MAN!!(and now that i'v been so generous wid me time and energy. go check me blog out. and COMMENT.. in words, if thats possible :D)
hi, our mindset matches a lot...i get these same feelings a lot of times..but alsa the breaking free never really happens..he he he..
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little man inside the big man! he ate him up! it's the sytem, i tells u.. down wid THA MAN!!
(and now that i'v been so generous wid me time and energy. go check me blog out. and COMMENT.. in words, if thats possible :D)
hi, our mindset matches a lot...i get these same feelings a lot of times..but alsa the breaking free never really happens..he he he..
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